Cursos Language Center
El Language Centre nace siguiendo la filosofía de que los alumnos son el motor que nos mueve hacia la excelencia académica, sus logros son nuestros logros, por eso nuestra finalidad es dotar a nuestros alumnos con la mejor preparación en idiomas.
Vivimos en un mundo global en el que tanto el inglés como otros idiomas, algunos más tradicionales en el ámbito profesional y otros más emergentes, son vitales para desenvolverse en el mundo laboral competitivo de hoy en día. Un buen dominio de idiomas es parte de la tarjeta de presentación de un profesional de cualquier ámbito y sector. El conocimiento de una lengua no solo implica el desenvolverse con soltura en un contexto técnico y específico de la profesión. Dominar una lengua implica también sumergirse en su cultura y peculiaridades de cada sociedad de hablantes.
Desde el Language Centre ofrecemos la oportunidad a nuestros alumnos de perfeccionarse en inglés, francés, chino, ruso y alemán. Un abanico de idiomas para proyectar a nuestros alumnos al mundo profesional con la seguridad de que llevan consigo una óptima formación lingüística e intercultural.
“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” Dr. Seuss.
“Una lingua diversa è una diversa visione de la vita.” Federico Fellini.
“The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.” Ludwig Wittgenstein.
English B1 (46 horas)
Listening skills: You can understand the main points when listening to a native speaker if the topic is familiar. This includes listening to radio or television.
Reading Skills: You can understand texts which contain high frequency or job related vocabulary. You can understand descriptions of feelings or wishes.
Speaking Skills: You can manage in most situations. You can join in discussions without preparation if the topic is familiar. You can give reasons and explanations, and can narrate an event.
Writing Skills: You can write a short connected text on a familiar topic. You can write personal letters describing experiences and impressions.
English B2 (46 horas)
Listening Skills: You can understand lectures if the topic is familiar. You can understand the news on television reasonably well.
Reading Skills: You can read reports or articles which express opinions or attitudes.
Speaking Skills: You can interact quite fluently and spontaneously, and take an active part in discussions on familiar topics. You can give detailed descriptions, and explain opinions quite precisely.
Writing Skills: You can write clear, detailed texts on familiar topics. You can write an essay or a report, and give reasons in support of an argument.
English C1-C2 (46 horas)
Listening Skills: You can understand extended speech, even when it is not clearly structured. You can understand most television programmes.
Reading Skills: You can understand complex factual and literary texts. You can understand specialized articles on unfamiliar topics.
Speaking Skills: You can express yourself fluently and spontaneously. You can explain and justify opinions precisely and relate them to the contributions of others.
Writing Skills: You can express yourself in clear, well-structured text. You can write about complex subjects in different styles.
Chino Inicial (46 horas)
Requisitos de acceso: ALUMNOS DE GRADO DE CESUGA con CUENTA en el BANCO SABADELL, donde realizarán un depósito de 50 euros que será reembolsado al estudiante una vez finalizado el curso.

Center number: ES-B180383
The Language Center at Cesuga has been appointed as an Anglia Approved Exam Center in Spain and is authorised to recruit students for the international examinations offered by Anglia Examinations Syndicate Limited.